Binding of Issac Diorama – Part 0

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For the next diorama I wanted to make something about the Game Binding of Isaac (steam link: here) as my girlfriend is a fan of this game (and the only game she plays on her PC).

I have way too many wooden sticks of various sizes so it was pretty clear which floor to start working on first!

The Burning Basement


The variation in the wooden plans and the burning effect was something that I wanted to try out so it was the perfect experiment. I still am not sure if I would go with any lightning effect for the fire or just paint. Will see down the line.

The specific room of the diorama will be a boss room which includes 2 doors:

Devil Door
Boss Door

The above doors would be done in airdry clay and the main frame from plaster casts from my hirst art molds.

The main enemy of the floor would be the following:


His special ability is that he uses his head to hit Isaac and after some time his head transforms into a ragged spider. More models to make in clay 😛

Of course I need to do a properly sized Isaac and some more terrain around like rocks and coins.

So the summary of the things I need to create:

  • the main room and floor plan
  • the walls
  • the doors (2 of them)
  • rocks, fires and coins
  • a pedestal item maybe? – maybe BFF
  • the enemy (Ragman)
  • the hero (Isaac)
  • extra enemies (spider head probably)
The pedestal item (BFF)
Some of the potential rocks that will be on the floor.

Diorama building plan

This will be split in multiple parts as I am creating each section of the build separately.

First part would be the room and flooring build and painting of it.

Second part would be the creation of the props, rocks, items, coins

Third item would be the enemy and the hero creation

Final part would be general summary, compilation of all build parts and finalization of the build.

There is no ETA for all of those, but I have started the first part and I am almost done with the building part of the room.

A small sneak peek: