Plaster casting – Dungeon tile test piece

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I got some years ago some Hirst Art silicone molds(here) to build some terrains which I ended up not finishing and throwing away.

That said the molds are the easiest way to prototype something unique and try out stuff before you commit into a bigger terrain piece.

Having done already a small test piece for burned wooden flooring (here) I wanted to try out the same for a small dungeon piece.

Ended up adding a lava stream below the pieces which was a also a first for me. Didn’t want to use any liquid resin for this and wanted to try out to make this purely from acrylic paints.

I casted the pieces needed in dental plaster and layered them down on a piece of paper to dry and plan this:

Future me: no lava lights were added ofc! Left the casting holes for extra flavor, its a test piece either way 😛

Primed this white, mistake, ended up painting it black, correct, picked up some of the tiles and painted them light brown, red and cream, washed the whole thing on a black wash and dry brushed it with a bone white color to give a worn out look.

The lava was simpler than I thought! I followed this tutorial (second part). Painted the base black, over that a red, leaving on each layer a bit of the previous one, I covered it in orange, then yellow and then some streaks of white.

Simple couple of hours project to keep the design juices going!

Final Result

Quite decent work, I am happy 😛 It’s way easier to make dungeon tiles than I thought (if only I didn’t have like 10kg of unpainted plastic dungeon tiles).

p.s. forgot the wooden planks (also casted in the same mold), painted it dark brown, some small highlights on lighter brown and then a light highlight of grey to look more worn out. It should look almost burned given the lava.